Membership Committee

The Membership Committee will assist with membership recruitment and renewals. The Committee will work together to sustain and increase the number of members by improving the benefits offered and assessing the value of membership.


  • Review membership reports provided by TTS.

  • Encourage members to remain in good-standing and pay their dues.

  • Review the list of delinquent members and decide whether or not they will be removed.

  • Play an active role in membership services, including building relationships with journal publishers, and developing new activities to promote membership.
    • Represent and promote CTRMS while abroad at other international meetings.

    • Participate in periodic teleconference calls.

    • Take on other duties as requested by the Chair of the Membership Committee.

    • Report back to the Council about membership initiatives.
    • The membership committee should consist of at least three members of the Cell Transplant and Regenerative Medicine Society Council with one person assigned as Chair. The opportunity for one junior member to join is optional.

      Membership Committee Members 2013-2015


      If you are interested in joining the Membership Committee, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.

Read more: CTRMS Membership Committee

Web and Social Media Committee

The Web and Social committee was formed during the 12th Congress of the Cell Transplant Society in recognition of the importance of maintaining a web and social media presence in the pursuit further scientific advancements in the field of cellular transplantation.


  • Promote visibility of the CTRMS.

  • Provide content for the CTRMS website.

  • Establish and maintain pages or groups in social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

  • Draft guidelines for “code of conduct” on CTRMS pages in Social media.

  • Act as moderators in ongoing discussions and monitor posts to assure that discussions are within the frame of our Code of Conduct and no inappropriate or offensive posts remain published.
    • Make recommendations for apps that assist in the promotion of upcoming meetings.

    • Assist in the promotion of fundraising efforts approved by the CTRMS council.

    • Regularly report to the CTRMS Council the ongoing activities of the Council.

    • Invite recipients of the latest CTRMS Young Investigator Travel awards to participate in committee work by discussion and will function as beta-testers, reference group and will be encouraged to initiate blogs or discussions in CTRMS social media groups.
    • Web and Social Media Committee Members 2015-2017


      If you are interested in joining the Web and Social Media Committee, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.

Read more: CTRMS Web and Social Media Committee

Young Investigator Committee

The Web and Social committee was formed during the 12th Congress of the Cell Transplant Society in recognition of the importance of maintaining a web and social media presence in the pursuit further scientific advancements in the field of cellular transplantation.


To encourage the active engagement of trainee members and facilitate interactions between trainees and established members to advance research and activities in the field of cardiomocytes, neural cells, stem cells, adipocytes, hepatocytes, islets, deandritic cells, and all cellular development research.


Foster a forum for young investigators and faculty to interact and provide opportunities for professional development. Promote young investigators' ideas of research trends and questioning of new technologies and innovation of our research agenda. Formulate scientific and social programs for the Cell Transplant Society congresses. Introduce and sponsor activities that facilitate young investigators and established members in energized collaborative activities.


Introduce a program for a Young Investigator session during the Cell Transplant's next Congress. Build a database of resources for grants, scholarships, courses and training opportunities for trainees in the field. Collaborate with the Cell Transplant Meeting Steering Committee to arrange a Young Investigator networking reception social event at the next Cell Transplant Congress. Help develop criteria for Young Investigator awards with at least one or two youth representatives on the Selection Committee. Nominate one or more Youth Representatives to serve on fundraising activities of the Cell Transplant Society to include their support and initiative.

Young Investigator Committee Members 2015-2018

If you are interested in joining the Young Investigator Committee, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.

Read more: CTRMS Young Investigator Committee



Staff Directory
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The Transplantation Society
International Headquarters
505 Boulevard René-Lévesque Ouest
Suite 1401
Montréal, QC, H2Z 1Y7