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Training Options for Clinicians: Transplant Links Outreach Programme to Ghana

71.1 - Training Options for Clinicians: Transplant Links Outreach Programme to Ghana

Presenter: Andrew, Ready, Birmingham, United Kingdom
Authors: Andrew Ready


Andrew Ready is Senior Consultant Renal Transplant Surgeon at the University Hospital Birmingham, UK. IN addition, he is Honorary Consultant Surgeon at both Birmingham Children's Hospital and Belfast City Hospital, Northern Ireland.

Dr Ready trained in Medicine at Birmingham Medical School and during his postgraduate training gained Masters and Doctorate degrees for research into aspects of transplant immunology before undertaking a period as a postdoctoral research fellow at Stanford University, CA. Since 2007 he has been Medical Director and Chairman of Transplant Links Community (TLC) - an organization dedicated to facilitating renal transplantation in the developing world. He has lead teams performing transplants in Ghana, Nigeria, Trinidad and Jamaica as well leading advisory visits to units in Nepal and Kenya.


The lack of facilities in many developing world countries for patients in renal failure is well recognised. Creating transplant programs in such areas can be difficult for many reasons including lack of financial support and appropriate skill and expertise. However, at its core, progress is often inhibited by a lack of confidence that such complex programs can be developed. Over the past seven years, Transplant Links has worked with a number of centres in developing world, visiting with full transplant teams to transfer skills in transplantation and build confidence that developing programs is possible. The webnar aims to describe this process, and the outcomes achieved to-date.

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