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Educating Developing Countries in Organ Donation, Impact and Results

80.1 - Educating Developing Countries in Organ Donation, Impact and Results

Presenter: Marti, Manyalich, Barcelona, Spain
Authors: Marti Manyalich


The shortage of organ donors is related to many factors in the developing countries. According to our experience, the lack of knowledge of the procurement process of the professionals in the Hospitals and Health Institutions is the main factor compare with the legal, ethical, religious and cultural factors. Since 1991, we have been educating more than 10000 participants around the world with specific methodology “Do and learn” what shows an increase in the knowledge of the participants after the training, the implementation of new practices and strategies at hospitals level, and the increase at national level in many cases. In the IU Project ETPOD we increase an average of 27% in 80 different countries with materials in 13 different languages. In other areas, the impact of TPM Programs has facilitated the beginning of deceased donation (Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, Lebanon, Romania, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Qatar, Iran…), or has increased the results from poor to self-sufficient (Slovenia, Croatia, Argentina, Uruguay, Colombia, Brasil, Cuba…). As much knowledge and competencies, more organ and tissue donation for transplantation.

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