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The ACCORD Project

95.1 - Achieving Comprehensive Coordination in Organ Donation throughout the European Union: The ACCORD Project

Presenter: Beatriz , Domínguez-Gil , Madrid, Spain
Authors: Beatriz Domínguez-Gil


Beatriz Domínguez-Gil is medical doctor, PhD in internal medicine, and specialized in Nephrology. After several years working as a nephrologist in the clinical setting and as clinical researcher, she joined the medical team of the Spanish National Transplant Organization (Organización Nacional de Trasplantes-ONT) in November 2006. As a member of ONT, she has been mainly involved in international cooperation through different international organisms (Council of Europe, European Union and World Health Organization), developing initiatives targeted to enhance organizational models, and quality and safety of organ donation, procurement and allocation, and to the fight against organ trafficking. Councilor for Europe at The Transplantation Society and chair of its Ethics Committee, member of the Executive of the Custodian Group of the Declaration of Istanbul on Organ trafficking and Transplant Tourism, Immediate Past chair of the European Donation and Transplant Coordination Organization (EDTCO), and board member of the Spanish Transplantation Society.

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