
Opinion Leaders Meeting on Stem Cell Derived Beta Cells

(description to come)

KDIGO Clinical Practice Guidelines

The guideline makes recommendations for immunosuppression, graft monitoring, as well as prevention and treatment of infection, cardiovascular disease, malignancy, and other complications that are common in kidney transplant recipients, including hematological and bone disorders. Limitations of the evidence, especially on the lack of definitive clinical outcome trials, are discussed and suggestions are provided for future research.

Transplantation - Official Journal of The Transplantation Society

The official Journal of The Transplantation Society, Transplantation is published twice monthly and is the most cited and influential journal in the field, with more than 25,000 citations a year.


Transplantation, Bioengineering, and Regeneration of the Endocrine Pancreas. 1st Edition - Volume 1 and Volume 2

This book illustrates the state of the art of pancreas and islet transplantation, as well as of research aiming at the bioengineering, regeneration and repair of beta cells to treat diabetes mellitus.

The book encompasses clinical pancreas and islet transplantation, but also tissue engineering, biomaterial sciences, stem cell and developmental biology, as they are being applied to diabetes medicine.

The book sets a new standard in the transplant and regenerative medicine literature. In fact, at present, there is ambiguity in regards to the relationship between transplantation and regenerative medicine, which may be perceived as a hindrance to productive investigation and research. Such as it is, this book will clearly show that solid organ transplantation should be re-thought as complementary discipline to regenerative medicine. To the extent that regenerative medicine aims at restoring function of diseased organs, organ transplantation represents the most formidable example of regenerative medicine as it may be applied to the clinic. Upon perusal of the rich contents contained in this book, the reader will understand that regenerative medicine and solid organ transplantation speak the same language and aims to the same objectives. The overall encompassing theme of the book is the synergy between organ transplantation and regenerative medicine, which is a truth that needs to be formally and gracefully articulated.

Two members of the IPITA council, Giuseppe Orlando and Lorenzo Piemonti, are editors of the above book and receive royalties generated from the sale of the book itself.


Transplant Infectious Disease
Established as a forum for presenting the most current information on the prevention and treatment of infection complicating organ and bone marrow transplantation.

Transplant Immunology
The mission of Transplant Immunology is to disseminate information regarding the study of transplantation pathobiology, to serve as a forum for new ideas and concepts in clinical and experimental transplantation, to foster the evolution of the discipline and to assist transplant investigators in their professional endeavours.

Transplantation Proceedings
Transplantation Proceedings publishes several different categories of manuscripts, all of which undergo extensive peer review by recognized authorities in the field prior to their acceptance for publication.

Transplantation Reviews
Transplantation Reviews contains state-of-the-art review articles on both clinical and experimental transplantation. The journal features invited articles by authorities in immunology, transplantation.

Xenotransplantation provides its readership with rapid communication of new findings in the field of organ and tissue transplantation across species barriers.