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Abstract Submission is Now open!


Deadline - November 15, 2017

TTS 2018 is accepting abstracts for oral and poster presentation. This is your opportunity to get your scientific research on the agenda!

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This truly international Congress promises to be an immersive experience for clinicians, researchers, trainees, nurses and other allied health professionals alike.

All TTS 2018 accepted abstracts will be published in the Transplantation journal.


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Invitation from TTS President

Nancy Ascher (TTS President) is joined by Carlos Diaz (President - Argentinian Society of Transplantation) and Gabriel Gondolesi (TTS Councilor for Latin America). This video was filmed just prior to the start of STALYC at which TTS exhibited.

Students and Young Professionals


Abstract submissions are not only for practicing professionals. If you are a student or resident, we want you to share your latest and greatest research.

This is your chance to share your ideas with peers, connect with transplantation professionals of all walks of life, and practice presenting in front of an international audience. This is a great opportunity to advance your career. Stay tuned for our special feature on student activities and opportunities later this fall. Let's just say that career coaching sessions, student networking activities and a special career planning activity are on the agenda!

Student and resident participation is important to TTS and we are reflecting this importance in our student registration fees which start at $250 US including coffee breaks and lunches.



  • The TTS Young Investigator Scientific Awards are designed to help offset expenses incurred to attend the TTS Congress, and are awarded based on the scientific merit of applicants.
  • Awarded to the top scored abstracts whose first author applies for the award and who is under the age of 35 years old.
  • Maximum amount $2,000 USD per award.

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mentee2International Transplantation Science Mentee-Mentor Awards

The Transplantation Society (TTS) along with the collaboration of their affiliated societies celebrates the contributions of basic science to the field of transplantation with the International Transplantation Science Mentee-Mentor Awards by recognizing the efforts of basic scientists who have advanced our understanding of transplant science/immunobiology and/or treatment of transplant recipients, and the young investigators who will be the future leaders in transplantation.

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The Transplantation Society
International Headquarters
505 Boulevard René-Lévesque Ouest
Suite 1401
Montréal, QC, H2Z 1Y7