IXA Update - January 2014

Dear Colleagues,

The 12th Congress of the IXA was held recently in conjunction with the iABO/Hyper Immune Symposium in Osaka, Japan, from Nov 10-13, 2013. The turnout for the meeting was fantastic and there were many posters and presentations of interest to both the IXA and iABO communities. Thank you to everyone who participated in making the meeting a sucess!

IXA News

In coordination with Xenotransplantation, we are pleased to report the Top 10 Cited or Downloaded Articles for 2013 (see left column).

2013 Xeno Prize

The winner of the 2013 IXA Carl-Gustav Groth Xeno-Prize will be announced in the next edition of the IXA Newsletter but we would like to take this opportunity to encourage you to submit your manuscript to Xenotransplantation for a chance to win the 2014 Xeno-Prize!

2013 IXA Congress Recordings

Don’t forget to check out the 12th Congress of IXA session recordings, these are available to all members in good standing of IXA.

IXA Vanguard Committee

During the IXA 2013 Congress, IXA was pleased to announce the formation of a Vanguard Committee. This committee will provide a forum for students and junior faculty in related fields to interact with future leaders in xenotransplantation and provide opportunities for professional development. Members of the Committee will be tasked with representing the junior members of IXA and work to increase the awareness of research trends and techniques that can advance the field of xenotransplantation. Chair of the Committee, Christopher Burlak and IXA's Past President, Bernhard Hering will be issuing a call for interested members to join the Committee in the coming weeks.

As we begin a new year, IXA would like to send warm thoughts and best wishes to its members. Please do not hesitate to contact the IXA to provide feedback or any suggestions by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Xenotransplantation Journal Update

Xenotransplantation Goes Green! Starting in January 2014 all future issues of Xenotransplantation will be available as an online-only publication; which means that subscribers will no longer receive printed issues of the journal. To read more click here.

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Xeno to Go! Xenotransplantation is coming soon to the Apple Newsstand! Soon you’ll be able to keep up to date with the most important developments in the field of xenotransplantation even faster, with complete issues available in new, full-text iPad and iPhone apps for Xenotransplantation. Join or renew your IXA membership to enjoy a new reading experience with FREE full access to apps!

Coming Soon: a Major Update to the Wiley Online Library: The Anywhere Article platform will dramatically improve the journal reading experience.

Takaaki Kobayashi,
IXA President
Peter Cowan,
IXA President-Elect
Agnes Azimzadeh,
IXA Secretary & Communications Editor
Gilles Blancho,
Communication Editor