Derek Gray Distinguished Traveling Scholarship Award


Dear Colleagues, IPITA is once again pleased to offer research fellows the opportunity to apply for the Derek Gray Distinguished Traveling Scholarship Award based upon demonstrated research merit and future potential for both scholarly academic research and a commitment to the training of research scientists in the fields of islet and/or pancreas transplantation. The $10,000 USD scholarship provides financial support to travel to two or more institutions across the world in order to broaden the laboratory-based research experience of the scholar during his/her formative research training. The recipient will also have the opportunity to learn from established laboratory investigators in the fields of islet and pancreas transplantation biology. Applicant Eligibility – The Traveling Scholarship will be awarded to a post-doctoral research fellow or trainee with a PhD, MD, or MD/PhD degree who demonstrates scientific merit and future potential for academic research and mentorship of trainees in the fields of islet and/or pancreas transplantation. The applicant will be judged solely on merit. An ideal candidate would be an individual who has not yet reached the level of Assistant Professor or an equivalent junior faculty position, and within 5 years of receiving their advanced degree. The applicant must have a trainee or full IPITA membership. If you wish to apply for the award, please complete the application online. Only online applications will be accepted.

Award Application


Professor Derek Gray, Professor of Experimental Surgery at the University of Oxford, has made many contributions to the experimental islet transplantation literature advancing our scientific knowledge thereby providing an important framework for refining the clinical procedure. He has continually provided a stimulating research environment for many young students and trainees and encouraged them to pursue academic research careers in transplantation. As a strong proponent of pursuing the goal of perfecting islet transplantation, he has also worked tirelessly to promote the mission of the International Pancreas and Islet Transplantation Association (IPITA). Professor Gray has served the Association in the past as Councilor, and most recently, as Secretary. In recognition of his many contributions to our society and the field of islet transplantation, the IPITA is proud to announce the establishment of the Derek Gray Distinguished Traveling Scholarship Award.



To establish a biennial award competition for a Derek Gray Distinguished Traveling Scholarship Award to be awarded by IPITA to a single research fellow based upon demonstrated research merit and future potential for both scholarly academic research and a commitment to the training of research scientists in the fields of islet and/or pancreas transplantation.

To provide financial support to travel to 2 or more (suggested maximum 4) institutions across the world in order to broaden the laboratory-based research experience of the scholar during his/her formative research training, and to provide an opportunity to learn from established laboratory investigators in the field(s) of islet and pancreas transplantation biology. The award will be offered to one individual every 2 years (usually even numbered years to coincide with the “between meetings” year of the biennial IPITA meetings).


Applicant Eligibility

$10,000 paid in one installment to the Awardee’s institution. The funds are intended to support travel and living expenses incurred during the period of training at host institutions.

The Traveling Scholarship will be awarded to a research or post-doctoral fellow or trainee having a PhD, MD, or MD/PhD degrees who demonstrates scientific merit and future potential for academic research and mentorship of trainees in the fields of islet and/or pancreas transplantation. The applicant will be judged solely on merit. An ideal candidate would be an individual who has not yet reached the level of Assistant Professor or an equivalent entry-level independent faculty position, and would be within 5 years of having received their advanced degree. Applicants must hold trainee or regular IPITA membership.

Past Recipients

Raphael’s Experience after receiving the award: “At the 2015 IPITA-IXA-CTS Joint Congress in Melbourne, Australia I was awarded the Derek Gray Distinguished Travelling Scholarship. As a surgeon and post-doctoral scientist, I am involved in pancreas and human islet transplantation. My research focuses on analyzing the demographic, proteomic and genetic variables that influence islet graft outcomes. My other fields of research are encapsulated islet xenotransplantation, alternative sites for islet transplantation and stem cell-based immunomodulation. The award has proved invaluable and has provided me with the opportunity to visit world-leading centers and meet experts in the field of both pancreas and islet transplantation. I was able to visit the Transplant Surgery Department and human islet isolation facilities at the University of California, San Francisco and University of Wisconsin, USA, and the Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism at the University of Oxford, UK. My research and career have significantly benefitted from these visits. I am wholly grateful to IPITA for awarding me the scholarship. It has allowed me the opportunity to meet and learn from outstanding mentors and colleagues in the islet and pancreas transplantation field around the world." Raphael P.H. Meier, MD-PhD Transplant Surgery University Hospital of Geneva Switzerland

Sarah’s Experience after receiving the award: “At the 2013 IPITA congress in Monterey I was awarded the Derek Gray Distinguished Travelling Scholarship. As a post-doctoral scientist I am involved in human islet isolation and transplantation, and my research focuses on understanding the detailed structure of the pancreas, in particular the islet-exocrine interface and its digestion during the isolation procedure, in order to improve islet isolation outcomes. The award has proved invaluable and has provided me with the opportunity to visit world-leading centres and meet experts in the field of both islet transplantation and extracellular matrix biology. I was able to visit human islet isolation facilities at the University of Uppsala, Sweden, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston and the University of San Francisco, USA. My research has significantly benefitted from visiting the Wellcome Centre for Cell Matrix Research at the University of Manchester, UK. I am wholly grateful to IPITA for awarding me the scholarship. It has led to some excellent opportunities and has significantly helped further my scientific career.” Sarah Cross, PhD Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences Oxford Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism University of Oxford

Read more: IPITA Derek Gray Distinguished Traveling Scholarship Award

Richard C. Lillehei Memorial Lecture

About the Award

Richard C. Lillehei, Pancreas Transplant Visionary

A biennial award given to an outstanding clinician and/or scientist for their substantial contributions towards advancing the field of pancreas transplantation. Richard C. Lillehei was part of a team of surgeons at the University of Minnesota whose vision and expertise led to performing the first successful pancreas transplant in humans in 1966. The Richard C. Lillehei Memorial Lecture Award is given biennially to a clinician and/or scientist who has made important and substantive advancements leading to improvements in the lives of patients receiving pancreas transplants. The inaugural Lillehei Lecture will be delivered at the 2011 IPITA congress in Prague and commemorates Dr. Lillehei’s outstanding achievement. Every two years, between congresses, the IPITA Council accepts nominations for, and selects the Richard C. Lillehei Memorial Lecture award recipient.transplantation, the IPITA is proud to announce the establishment of the Derek Gray Distinguished Traveling Scholarship Award.

Past Recipients

2019 - Angelika Gruessner and Rainer Gruessner, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY, USA

2017 - Raimund Margreiter, University Klinik fur Chirurgie, Innsbruck, Austria

2015 - Hans Sollinger, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA

2013 - Jean-Michel Dubernard, Hôpital Edouard Herriot, Lyon, France

2011 - David R. Sutherland, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA

Read more: IPITA Richard C. Lillehei Memorial Lecture

Paul Lacy Memorial Lecture

About the Award

Paul E. Lacy, Islet Transplant Pioneer

A biennial award given to an outstanding clinician and/or scientist for their outstanding achievements in the field of islet transplantation. Paul Lacy was a pioneer in experimental islet transplantation and demonstrated proof-of-concept in animal models thereby stimulating the development of successful protocols in human clinical islet transplantation. This biennial lecture delivered at the IPITA congresses commemorates his seminal contributions to the field. The Paul Lacy Memorial Lecture Award is given to a clinician and/or scientist who has made substantial and lasting contributions to the field of experimental and/or human islet transplantation furthering Dr. Lacy’s vision. Every two years, between congresses, the IPITA Council accepts nominations for, and selects the Paul Lacy Memorial Lecture recipient.

Past Recipients

2019 - Antonio Secchi, Ospedale San Raffaele, Milan, Italy

2017 - Garth L. Warnock, Ike Barber Human Islet Transplant Laboratory, Vancouver, BC, Canada

2015 - Konrad Federlin, JustusLiebig-University of Giessen, Giessen, Germany 2015 - Guido Pozza, University of Milan, Milan, Italy

2013 - Ali Naji, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA

2011 - Daniel Pipeleers, Diabetes Research Center, Brussels, Belgium

2009 - Ray Rajotte, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada

2007 - Clyde Barker, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA

2005 - Camillo Ricordi, Diabetes Research Institute, University of Miami, Miami, FL, USA

Read more: IPITA Paul Lacy Memorial Lecture



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