Revised November 8, 2018

Click here to download the policy as a PDF

The Transplantation Society's core mission is the development of science and clinical practice, scientific communication, continuing education and guidance on the ethical practice. As such, TTS values the development of organized meetings and workshops.

Endorsement of meetings that benefit the greater transplant community educationally and scientifically is in direct support of TTS' core mission. TTS will consider any meeting or workshop that contributes to the field of transplantation and adhere to the highest scientific and educational standards. The program should be in the beginning stages of development to be considered for TTS endorsement. It is important that TTS only endorse meetings that fully fit the TTS ethical guidelines. TTS values applications that clearly show consideration for gender equity in program planning and committee formulation.

Request for Endorsement:

All endorsements must be approved by the TTS Executive Committee. Endorsement requests must be made at least 6 months before the start of the meeting or workshop. Requests made less than 6 months prior to a meeting or workshop will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Please send your request to the TTS Executive Director, Jean-Pierre Mongeau (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Kindly include below in your application materials:

• Title of the meeting/workshop
• Location and Dates
• Names of the organizing committee
• Proposed Topic Summaries
• Proposed program outline and format
• Confirmed and proposed Speakers
• Expected attendees (number and type)
• Any prepared promotional material
• Outline of suggested TTS Support
• Outline of TTS benefits
• The TTS Ethics Statement must be signed by the organizer on behalf of those involved in the program.

Expectations from TTS:
• Reduced Registration fees to members of TTS which we consider mutually beneficial.
• TTS name and Logo appearing appropriately across all publications of the meeting/workshop. Copies of all material to be supplied to TTS.
• If there is an exhibition hall, provide TTS a booth or a table
• If no exhibition hall, provide TTS a space to promote TTS activities
• TTS is open to hearing other potential deliverables that could be beneficial to both parties.

TTS requires that at the conclusion of all TTS endorsed meetings/workshops, a summary report be submitted to the TTS executive outlining the final number of attendees, important outcomes and any other highlights.

Reoccurring meetings must re-apply for endorsement for each subsequent meeting.

Benefits to Meetings or Workshop being Endorsed:

• Use of the TTS name and Logo
• TTS advertisement across all available Media (Website, Tribune, Pulse, active TTS social accounts)
• TTS advertisement when exhibiting
• Post workshop/meeting advertisement

TTS endorsement does not include financial support or guarantees.


Due to privacy concerns, the official TTS Policy is to not provide contact information of TTS members or its Sections to third parties. Also, TTS does not send individual broadcast emails announcing events other than those for TTS and its Sections.



Staff Directory
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The Transplantation Society
International Headquarters
505 Boulevard René-Lévesque Ouest
Suite 1401
Montréal, QC, H2Z 1Y7