Visit their website -
The program was designed as an advanced curriculum in Renal Transplantation was made available to members of TTS world wide free of charge. Experts on the key topics in the field of transplantation presented the interactive webinars. The target audience for this series was doctors and trainees, who have a keen interest in advancing their knowledge in renal transplantation. To read more, view the curriculum or watch the videos visit
Dr. Ahmed Akl (pictured above watching Dr. Wood with his colleagues) |
![]() Clinical Senior Lecturer, The University of Adelaide Senior Registrar, Central Northern Adelaide Renal and Transplant Service Australia |
![]() ERA-EDTA Advisor, Young Nephrologist Platform Consultant Transplant Nephrologist, University Hospitals of Coventry and Warwickshire United Kingdom |
Dr. Massimiliano Veroux Associate Professor of Surgery, University Hospital of Catania Italy |
![]() Transplant Clinical Fellow, Renal Transplantation, University Hospitals of Coventry and Wawickshire United Kingdom |
Submitted by Dr Andrea Schlegel, Editorial Fellow, Transplantation.
Schinstock C, Gandhi M, Stegall M. Interpreting Anti-HLA Antibody Testing Data: A Practical Guide for Physicians. Transplantation. 2016 ;100(8):1619-28.
This review summarizes recent procedures of tissue typing in solid organ transplantation. The authors describe general principles including the Solid Phase Single Antigen Bead (SAB) Assays, cross-match testing and a risk stratification for antibody mediated rejection (AMR). Next, they illustrate the impact of laboratory factors and identify donor/recipient constellations with a high risk for the development of an antibody mediated rejection (AMR). In addition, the authors discuss how to proceed if the Donor/Recipient HLA typing appears incomplete or how to deal with Non-HLA Antibodies or Multiple and Complement Binding DSA´s and Immunoglobulin Subclasses. Overall, this excellent review serves as practical guideline for transplant physicians on how to interpret tissue typing results.
I am writing to you today to invite you to join me on Wednesday, September 20, 2017 for a half-day symposium focusing on the hypersensitized and ABO incompatible patient featuring lectures from an international group of luminaries in this field. If you are interested in latest findings in antibody and desensitization, this symposium is for you.
The seminar will take place at the beginning of the IXA 2017 meeting in Baltimore which runs from September 20-24, 2017. Participants may wish to remain in Baltimore for part or all of the IXA meeting since there will be significant overlap in terms of the immunology of antibody mediated rejection.
The symposium on September 20 will start with a series of lectures on the basic science that underpins crossing humoral immunologic barriers. After lunch there will be a section on updates in protocols and outcomes of ABO incompatible transplants in Japan, the US and Europe. The remainder of the day will be devoted to the management of the sensitized patient including late-breaking information on new therapeutic approaches that seem likely to change the landscape of this field.
Please join me in Baltimore for this exciting event on September 20, 2017.
Robert A. Montgomery, M.D., D.Phil.
Director, NYU Langone Transplant Institute
Reducing organ rejections using 'lethal' bacterial enzyme
AUG 15 - IN SCIENCE - Researchers have developed a novel type of drug therapy using an enzyme extracted from bacteria that are normally considered harmful. The aim is to use the enzyme to reduce organ rejection rates following kidney transplants.
Researchers get under the skin of treating type 1 diabetes
Aug 15 - - Researchers from the University of Toronto's Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering (IBBME) have worked on transplanting healthy pancreatic cells under human skin, helping to generate insulin and regulate blood glucose levels.
Significant Portion of Pediatric NHL Cases Occur in Transplant Recipients Significant Portion of Pediatric NHL Cases Occur in Transplant Recipients
August 14 - Pediatric solid organ transplant recipients account for about 3% of diagnosed pediatric non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) cases in the United States, according to the results of a study published in Cancer.
Using experimental and computational methods, researchers reveal workings of bacterial defense system
August 15 - Central to understanding why bacteria become antibiotic resistant is knowing how bacteria respond to the drugs trying to kill them. In a new study, Boston College researchers report that antibiotics disrupt the genetic defensive responses in lethal bacteria.
The Ethics Issue Blocking Organ Transplant Research
Aug 15 - The Atlantic - Doctors have a short window of time to experiment on brain-dead donors to improve procedures—and that's if they can get permission.
Kidneys From Octogenarian Donors Show Similar Survival
(HealthDay News) — Graft survival is similar for recipients of kidneys from >80-year-old donors and donors aged ≤60 years, according to a study published online in AJT.
Finding PH Community in Waiting Rooms
Aug 15 - PH News - Human Interest - When my alarm goes off at 9 a.m. in the clinic and I pull out my bright green pill organizer, others around me start to do the same. “I’m glad she did that because it reminded me,” I hear one woman say as I leave the room to find a space where I feel safer taking off my mask for the five seconds I will breathe unfiltered air and sip water.
A new organ donation club in the U.K. requires transplant recipients to pay for donors' funerals
Organizations like these aren't the solution to chronic organ shortages, writes British medical school bioethicist.
The Transplantation Society
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